Case Study

Consumer First Financial


Consumer First Financial approached us to help transition their company from traditional lead gen and cold marketing, to fully inbound digital marketing.

Operating nationwide for nearly 20 years using cold outreach, unreliable lead lists, and little digital presence, Consumer First faced difficulties as the sales and marketing landscape quickly shifted towards digital methods. In addition, ever-changing and increasing privacy laws were making cold-calling on a large scale a difficult and expensive task.

We came up with a plan to bring them into the 21st century, which involved boosting their web presence, starting a targeted and segmented email marketing program, and developing an ad delivery and retargeting strategy.  These strategies not only worked, we’re still working together 3 years later.

Consumer First Financial


Financial Services – Debt Relief


Social Media Ads, Google Ads, PPC Management, Email Marketing, Digital Marketing


Consumer First was struggling with 3rd party lead providers, phone systems for cold-calling, and most of all, a digital marketing plan to bring customers to them. They had a small web presence, and a great team of employees, but no direct knowledge of how to best build an inbound marketing plan.

They wanted to become self-sufficient. With laws and vendors constantly changing, Consumer First wanted to take control of their lead gen, and that meant implementing a top-down strategy. They didn’t just need leads, they needed a robust strategy that nurtured their prospects along the buying journey, engaging at key moments to maximize conversions.


  • Rebrand and rebuild web presence, including website, landing pages, and social pages. Setup and build out Google Business Profile. Implement Facebook Business Manager and Google Ad Manager. Install and configure pixels and APIs for proper tracking. Setup events and conversions to capture key actions. Setup and integrate Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and UTM codes. Integrate all solutions with Salesforce CRM.
  • Implement a strict opt-in clause and privacy policy for user data.
  • Launch targeted and broad traffic ads On Facebook to introduce the company and services, and generate user data for the new pixel. Using custom events, we’ll analyze the actions users take while engaging with your ads, landing page, and website to begin developing custom audiences.
  • Launch highly segmented and personalized cold email campaigns to legacy purchased leads that were never closed. Build automated drip emails to continually engage prospects through a 5 email nurturing sequence.
  • Build and launch a custom landing page conversion ad campaign to produce warm leads. Using the pixel data from previous ads, build a Facebook conversion campaign that utilizes Lookalike Audiences of 1%-3% based off important prior actions and previous conversions.
  • Build and launch Google Ad search campaigns for retargeting and keyword based campaigns. Identify high value, low cost keywords in the industry to produce high CTR and low CPC ad performance in a very competitive space.
  • Develop a retargeting strategy using now populated custom audience data, key website and landing page events, ad engagement, social media engagement, email marketing engagement, and conversion data. Implement retargeting ads across Facebook, Google, and Ad Networks.
  • Develop an automated multi-email sales nurturing series that delivers sales reinforcement emails at critical stages of the buying process.
  • Increase client retention by implementing monthly email newsletter program, automated SMS and email communication, and CRM automations.



Increase in Lead Conversion


Increase in Revenue Per Client


ROI From Email Marketing


Increase in Social Engagement

Our client’s main goal was to become self-sufficient with their marketing and advertising needs, not only did we achieve that goal, they are now on track to double their revenue this year.  We provided highly targeted ad strategies through both Facebook and Google that provide a constant flow of inbound prospects.  Paired with the custom email marketing outreach campaigns we created, they are converting leads at an astounding 233% higher rate than their previous methods.

We implemented highly effective targeting and retargeting strategies, ensuring they were not just showing their ads to the right people, but also the highest value people. These efforts not only provided a better lead, they provided a better customer, shown by the 154% increase in revenue per individual client.

CFF has seen rapid, positive online growth with our strategies and in their short digital existence have earned a 5-star rating on Google, with over 100 reviews. Finally, in addition to acquisition, we implemented strategies for their current client base that increased retention by over 40%.

A Sample Of The Numbers.

Facebook Ad

Facebook Ad Management That Works
CTR of 2.34% – 160% HIGHER than average CTR across industries.
813 WARM leads generated in April 2023 through a custom landing page conversion campaign.
Lead cost of $4.80 – 48% LOWER than average CPL across industries.
71% Conversion to lead from custom-built landing page.

Google Search Ad

Google Ad | PPC Management
89% Higher Conversion Rate Than Standard Across Industries (7.04%)
86% Lower Cost Per Click Than Standard Across Industries ($4.22)
160% Lower Cost Per Conversion Than Standard For Financial Industry ($82.58)

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Countdown different from other agencies?

After spending a combined 30 years in the industry, many of which involved in agency work, we can confidently say we have a much different approach.  Often times a business can feel lost in the shuffle working with multiple departments in an agency.  Our founders are experts in their fields, and are hands-on in ever project.  From our initial meeting, to the happy dance at the end of a successful campaign, we become part of your team.

Do you work with small ad budgets?

Of course!  But keep in mind, if we feel your ad budget is not going to be sufficient to meet your goals, we’ll tell you.  Unlike most agencies, we don’t charge a percentage of your ad spend, we charge a flat rate.

Do you provide creative and copy or do we?

It depends on the level of service you need.  If you have in-house teams and are simply looking for strategy and management of your ad or email platforms, we can do that.  If you don’t, we can handle everything for you.  Our designers and writers are veterans of the industry, and provide creative that not only converts, but creates lasting customers.

Will I still have access to all my accounts?

Certainly.  In fact, you own them whether you come to us with them or we create them for you.  If we choose to work together, you would grant us access to your accounts, but always maintain control and ownership.

How long until we see results?

Typically, about 90 days.  But it completely depends on your needs and goals.  An established company with a web presence can hit the ground running with our ad and email strategies.  A company building their web presence will take longer.

Either way, we suggest 90 days to allow the marketing strategies to run their full lifecycle.

How does your pricing work?

As simply as possible.  We charge a fixed monthly rate that is tiered based on the amount of ads you’re running, or the amount of emails that will be sent on a monthly basis.  Our tiers begin at $1,200 per month.

We also offer à la carte services as needed, and pricing for those is based on time and effort determined in our meetings.

Do we have to sign a long-term contract?

Because we offer a 1:1 service, we only take on a small amount of new clients every quarter, and you will never sign a long-term contract with us.  Our goal is to form meaningful relationships with you through results, not contracts.  That’s why many of our clients have been with us for such a long time by choice.

Do you provide reports?

Absolutely.  You will have full access to your analytics and metrics through a custom, robust dashboard.  Some will make sense, others may not, which is why in addition to reporting, we meet with every client on a bi-weekly basis minimum.

Communication is key when running successful campaigns, and that includes reporting your results to you during our meetings in an easy to digest way.

We Don’t Settle For Mediocre Results, And Neither Should You.

Let’s face it, real digital marketing isn’t tossing up some ads and spamming email accounts.  It’s about strategy, industry knowledge, and a deep understanding of your customer’s needs and wants.

Whether you need us to take over your existing digital marketing efforts, or you’re starting from scratch, let’s start the conversation.

Better Digital Marketing Results Start Here.

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